Lilly’s 3 Month Photos

Lilly is: 

3 months, 91 days, and 13 weeks old today  



-When I grab her cheeks and tickle her belly 


-Tummy time 

-Her flash cards 

-Ms. Rachel & Hello Bear 

-Cuddles when she’s sleepy 

-The ceiling fan when dad holds her up high to watch it 

-When I sing and dance around the living room with her 

-Swimming in grandma and grandpa’s pool 

-Car rides 

-Watching the dogs 

-Walks through the garden 

-Making spit bubbles 

-Did I mention MILK? 


She is such a happy baby, and growing WAY too fast. 

SHE’S WEARING: 3-6 month footies and 0-3 & 3-6 month clothes. We are moving up to size 2 diapers any day. She does not like wearing shoes! 


Lilly’s 4 Month Photos


Lilly’s 2 Month Photos