Lilly’s 5 Month Photos

Lilly turned 5 months old on Tuesday September 20th (I had a busy week full of shoots and editing so I am a bit late at posting) 


-is rolling over and loves being on her tummy 

-is babbling up a storm

-wants to "stand up" all the time

-loves playing in her activity center

-laughs at the dogs (we aren't funny enough for her) 

-is sleeping in her crib (big girl outgrew her bassinet) 

-is wearing 6 & 6-9 month clothes (which are almost too small on her) 

-tried her first food this week (Grandpa Brad's mashed potatoes)

-is sitting up assisted 

-officially found her feet 

We love her so much and can't believe how fast she is changing and growing up. She is such a cuddler and wants to be held all day long. She loves spending time outdoors and having daddy walk her around the house. She smiles so big at her self in the mirror and watches me eat/drink with such curiosity. She is so strong and has the sweetest voice. I have learned how to give her a bath without the melt down, and she actually enjoys it now (thanks grandma jenny for always helping out)! 


Lilly’s 6 Month Photos


Lilly’s 4 Month Photos