Lilly’s 9 Month Photos

Lilly turned 9 months old on the 20th of January. She is growing and changing so fast and I can’t believe she is already 9 months old. We had her 9 month checkup last week and she weighs 22lbs and 15 ounces and is 30.5 inches tall! 97th percentile for weight and 99th for height! She may end up outgrowing me by elementary and being tall like her daddy haha.

I love being Lilly’s mama.

She is:

-crawling like crazy

-pulling up on everything

-giving kisses


-sleeping in her crib

-giving high fives

-starting to dance

-attached to mama

She loves:

-other kids


-allll the food


-playing with blocks

-patty cake with grandma

-when daddy tickles her with his beard


The Softest Bamboo PJ’s - Remi and Friends


Lilly’s 8 Month Photos