Lilly’s 1 Month Photos

Lilly's 1 month photos. How fast this past month has flown. She is changing every day.

Thank you so much Bella Jane Horn for taking these photos in the nursery and in our front yard and giving me free reign to edit them. You are the sweetest! I also captured her monthly milestone photo with her board and bassinet on the day she turned 1 month. I plan on using this Design Dua bassinet each month and her month boards and watching her grow.

Kip, Carbon, Mugsy, and Lil Dipper joined in for a couple of photos with their new little sister. Everyone is finally adjusting and love checking things out and watching her. Carbon lets us know if she is crying and is always hanging out near by her.

Cory came home from work and jumped in for some photos as well, I am so glad he entertains all of my craziness and ideas.


Lilly’s 2 Month Photos


Baby Norris’ Classic Winnie the Pooh Nursery