Classic Winnie The Pooh Baby Shower

My mom, 2 best friends, and step mom threw me the most beautiful baby shower. I am so thankful for all of the time and effort they put into designing the most adorable classic Winnie The Pooh Baby Shower at the Wedding Factory in Albany, Indiana.

My mom made the center pieces with the help of my step dad, she had our friend Jane Simmons make the yummy carrot cake and vanilla cupcakes, and ordered some of the cutest decor off of Etsy. Kayla got the cookies, honey, made the photobooth backdrop, and designed the beautiful invites. My step mom, mom, and grandma all helped with food. My friend Abby, mom, Kayla, Kayla’s mom, step mom, and sister all helped decorate.

We are so excited to welcome baby Norris into our family! We are so blessed with so many friends and family who came to the shower and showered baby Norris with SO MANY gifts.

Dress: Target

Cutouts: Etsy


Baby Norris’ Classic Winnie the Pooh Nursery


Our Maternity Photos at 30.5 weeks